Member-only story
Introducing My Writing Community!
A new way to connect with writers, discuss your interests, and receive feedback on your creative endeavors.
I’ve been building communities for years. I’ve developed in-person groups, Facebook groups, Twitter communities, Slack channels, Discord servers — pretty much anything you can think of. Much of my community-building work through the years has focused on social media.
The Wired-owned imprint, Backchannel, picked up my 2014 exploration of Snapchat. In that article, I equated social networking as the latest means humans connect.
Humans are hardwired to be social. We’re constantly looking for the newest way to connect with our friends and family members. Currently, it comes in the form of tweets and texts. During the Seinfeld era, it was the face-to-face pop-in. In the 50s, it was the telephone.
In 2014 (and much of the last decade), Twitter was the means of digital connection. Twitter was a massive success for connecting with writers, but the platform changed. Connecting is much more difficult to wade through all the spam. But Twitter isn’t the only problem.
Social media itself is changing. Social media began focused on communities connected around a common interest, goal, or proximity (who remembers AIM?)…